Reuse instructions explained to citizens

Reuse is making a comeback in France!

Reusable packaging is packaging that has been designed, created and placed on the market so that, during its life cycle, it can make several trips or rotations by being refilled or reused for a purpose identical to that for which it was designed.

Thanks to reuse, the producer gives you the opportunity to give your packaging a second life, rather than throwing it in the garbage can after a single use. It's a practice increasingly encouraged in France, as it helps limit waste production and preserve natural resources.

Some Léko member producers offer re-use solutions for their packaging. For example, some food and cosmetics brands offer reusable bottles and jars: after consuming the product, consumers return the empty packaging to the relevant sales outlet. They are then cleaned and reused for the same purpose.

Packaging reuse is the future!
Reuse for better consumption!

How do I know if my packaging is reusable?

To identify whether a product is eligible for reuse, simply check its reuse label:

Le Triman:

This official French symbol informs you that the product must be sorted or returned to a collection point. It must appear on the packaging or label of a product that is selectively collected for recycling, or is part of a reuse circuit.
So, if you see the Triman on a product, you can be sure that its end-of-life is taken care of if it is properly sorted or returned to its collection point for re-use!

Return points :

The return point can be indicated by a reference to the store where the packaging can be returned, or a QR code can be displayed, giving you access to a map of collection points where the packaging can be collected.

Let's reduce our waste together!

There are several things you can do:

  • Use a water bottle to fill up at the water points provided.
  • Favour bulk consumption
  • Bring your own reusable containers when shopping (bags, tupperware, etc.)
  • Avoid single use as much as possible and opt for reusable packaging!

Our producers who re-use :

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