Declaration of mixed food packaging (EMA) within the scope of household packaging

Declaration of mixed food packaging (EMA) within the scope of household packaging

Declaration of mixed food packaging (EMA) within the scope of household packaging 500 500 admin-Leko

Since 1st of January, 2024, EPR for catering has been in force, and is governed by 2 regulatory texts: the implementing decree published in March 2023 and the order of July 20, 2023 establishing its scope.

What kind of packaging does the catering industry use?

This is the primary packaging for food products used by catering professionals*, such as fast-food restaurants, school and company canteens, and hotels.

The list of products covered by the EPR catering scheme is set out in the appendix to the Order of July 20, 2023, which exceed a certain volume or weight.

*Person with a main or secondary professional catering activity

What about packaging that does not meet the values set out in the Order of July 20, 2023?

All "small format" packaging for food products that are smaller than or equal to the formats set out in the decree, and intended for catering professionals, are mixed food packaging (EMA) and therefore come under the EPR for household packaging and graphic paper.

As a result, this mixed food packaging, which does not fall within the scope of the EPR for catering, must contribute to the EPR for household packaging and graphic paper, and will have to be declared within the framework of this EPR at the beginning of 2025 for marketing in 2024.

However, you must register this year with an EPR-approved eco-organization for household packaging for the marketing of mixed food packaging to the catering trade!


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