Juliette: A marine universe!

Juliette: A marine universe!

Juliette: A marine universe! 700 700 admin

For the Juliette brand, a Léko member, our homes are mines of opportunity for improving our health and preserving the environment. Juliette's goal: nothing but good things on the horizon!

Juliette has developed a colorful and fun range of hygiene products, baby products and refillable household products. Their story began on a beach, where Baptiste and Karline, creators of the brand, realized the impact of our consumption (plastic, ingredients...) on the environment, and particularly on the marine ecosystem.

After naming their brand after their daughter, they naturally turned the Ocean into their brand identity: visual identity, storytelling, design...

Manufactured in France with the aim of incorporating as many natural ingredients as possible into their formulas, most of their products are refillable thanks to active concentrate sachets: all you have to do is add tap water! Whether it's toothpaste, shower gel, window spray or multi-purpose spray, you can refill your bottle with these sachets. This reduces the amount of plastic used by a factor of 30!

The Juliette brand is committed to raising children's awareness of recycling, notably through the "Recyclopédie", a 25-page e-book dedicated to recycling packaging from our yellow garbage can to its second life, available free of charge on their website. Simplified, illustrated information that lets you put your knowledge into practice with quizzes and activities for your children!

Read all about it in the Léko News newsletter

Léko News n°3

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