RecycleMe, the international consulting firm belonging to the RAAN group behind Léko, has been selected by the RecyClass interprofessional organization to certify the recyclability of plastic packaging according to defined criteria. RecycleMe thus acts as an official external and international certification body.
As a cross-industry, not-for-profit platform committed to advancing the recyclability of plastic products and packaging, RecyClass was founded in 2014 by the Plastic Recyclers Europe (PRE) association. To limit the growing environmental impact of plastic waste, the platform has developed its own testing and validation procedures for assessing and classifying plastic packaging.
RecycleMe expands its portfolio with RecyClass certification
As an official certification body, the RecycleMe team is now extending its portfolio of services to include certification according to the RecyClass method. Drawing on its market expertise in Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Slovakia and Spain, RecycleMe offers a recyclability assessment. This assessment, in addition to the general RecyClass Design for Recycling guidelines, takes into account the infrastructure of the approved countries. RecycleMe is also recognized to carry out the Design for Recycling assessment and issue a Letter of Compatibility, which is part of the RecyClass recyclability certification system and focuses on general design aspects applicable within the EU.
Sabrina Goebel, Managing Director of RecycleMe, is delighted with the portfolio expansion: "We are very proud to have been selected as a certification body by the renowned RecyClass initiative. This is recognition of our international expertise in the field of packaging recyclability." Sabrina Goebel also sees RecyClass as a strong partner with shared goals in optimizing plastics recyclability. "As part of a modern, global circular economy, we need to work together along the entire value chain to counter the challenges posed by the high and growing volume of plastics."
About RecycleMe
RecycleMe is the RAAN Group's international consultancy in the field of sustainable packaging management. The team advises and supports well-known customers from a wide range of industries in optimizing the recyclability of their packaging and meeting their extended producer responsibility obligations. The RecycleMe brand combines cutting-edge technical capabilities, digital assessment tools and innovative solutions to serve businesses. RecycleMe is committed to ensuring compliance with national and international requirements, and to supporting its customers in their move towards a modern, global circular economy.
About RecyClass
RecyClass is a non-profit, cross-industry initiative that aims to promote recyclability, make the origin of plastic waste transparent, and establish a harmonized approach to the calculation and traceability of recycled plastics in Europe. RecyClass develops recyclability assessment protocols and scientific test methods for innovative plastic packaging materials, which serve as the basis for recycling design guidelines and the RecyClass online tool. RecyClass has established recyclability certifications for plastic packaging, recycling process certification and RecycledPlastics traceability certification for plastic products.