
Approval extension for Léko! 1920 1080 admin-Leko

Approval extension for Léko!

We are delighted to announce that our government approval for the management of household packaging and graphic paper has been extended until 2029. This extension marks a new stage in our mission to make the circular economy accessible and effective for all players in the sector. We will continue and intensify our collaboration with all...

When sorting becomes a game on Fortnite 1920 1080 admin-Leko

When sorting becomes a game on Fortnite

Léko is proud to have contributed to the innovative project of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, which is launching an immersive Fortnite experience to raise young people's awareness of waste sorting via the game Tri'Athlon. In this brand-new universe, players are tasked with cleaning up a polluted city, sorting waste, and applying the correct...

Proposed law on polystyrene packaging 3120 1755 admin-Leko

Proposed law on polystyrene packaging

Léko welcomes the new bill to bring French legislation into line with European requirements for packaging made from non-recyclable styrenic polymers or copolymers. This initiative, tabled on June 4, 2024 and published on the Senate website on October 15, 2024, would postpone the ban initially scheduled for January 1, 2025 to...

Support for recycling operators 3600 2404 admin-Leko

Support for recycling operators

We are announcing the introduction of a standard contract to support reuse operations, in line with our specifications. This contract is aimed at all operators working with Léko member producers in the field of household packaging. In order to explain how this contract works and to answer any questions,...

Léko on Produrable 2947 1768 admin-Leko

Léko on Produrable

The PRODURABLE trade show, a major European event for players in the sustainable economy, returns to Paris on October 9 and 10, under the patronage of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion. 12,000 visitors, 750 speakers and over 250 partners will gather for two days of exchanges...

Inauguration of new wash center for reusable and reused packaging from Haut la Consigne 1600 1200 admin-Leko

Inauguration of new wash center for reusable and reused packaging from Haut la Consigne

We were in the north of France, in Neuville en Ferrain to be precise, for the inauguration of Haut la Consigne's new wash center for reusable and reused packaging. Operator and washer of reusable and reused packaging, Haut la Consigne is part of the France Consigne network, a partner of LÉKO. 🤝 For several months now, this...

The new Info-tri campaign on TV! 1843 888 admin-Leko

The new Info-tri campaign on TV!

The new 2024 national info-sort communication campaign has begun! LÉKO and 20 other EPR eco-organizations have taken part in the development of this campaign run by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition.🌱 Its aim? To make sorting easier for consumers, thanks to information that can be understood at a glance. 👀...

Support our bid for EPR of professional packaging 1124 785 admin-Leko

Support our bid for EPR of professional packaging

The future EPR for professional packaging will come into force at the beginning of 2025, and Léko is seeking approval for this new packaging sector, which will group together catering packaging and DEIC (industrial and commercial packaging waste, secondary and tertiary packaging). Léko will draw on its current expertise in the household packaging sector, its existing structure and its...

Léko launches its Call for Reuse Projects 2024 2000 1429 admin-Leko

Léko launches its Call for Reuse Projects 2024

Léko launches its call for "Reuse" projects to contribute to national targets for the reuse of household packaging. The re-use fund, representing 5% of the ecocontributions collected, is intended to support projects aimed at developing re-use in a variety of sectors. Applications can be submitted up to and including September 30, 2024. They will be examined...

Announcing the winners of our first calls for Léko community projects! 1920 1282 admin-Leko

Announcing the winners of our first calls for Léko community projects!

We issued three calls for projects to our 12 partner communities: Out-of-home collection 🚚 Sorting & collection 🚮 Communication 🗣 In all, 100% of communities took part and 34 innovative, impactful projects were supported 🎉. The prize-giving ceremony for the winners was the occasion for a memorable day rich in...

Léko supports Animo Impact and its innovative solution for recycling pet food packaging 688 560 admin-Leko

Léko supports Animo Impact and its innovative solution for recycling pet food packaging

Léko is delighted to announce its partnership with Animo Impact This company, founded in 2023, has developed an innovative process for recycling multi-material pet food packaging. Currently under-recycled due to their complexity, this packaging can now be recycled into pet accessories. As part of this partnership, for...

New dynamics in the partnership between LÉKO and Réseau Vrac et Réemploi 5480 4535 admin-Leko

New dynamics in the partnership between LÉKO and Réseau Vrac et Réemploi

We are delighted to present the latest developments in our partnership with Réseau Vrac et Réemploi to promote the prevention and reduction of packaging waste. Together, we are committed to collaborating in concrete and operational ways to encourage the rapid adoption of reuse and packaging reduction in France. By pooling our expertise...

Valorplast, Léko's new partner 647 431 admin-Leko

Valorplast, Léko's new partner

In response to a call for tenders, Léko chose Valorplast to help it manage certain household plastic packaging waste streams from its sorting centers. The specifications entrust approved eco-organizations for household packaging and graphic paper with the task of taking charge of these waste streams.

Léko launches on social networks! 500 500 admin-Leko

Léko launches on social networks!

Léko steps up its mission to raise public awareness of the importance of sorting, reducing and reusing packaging. With the support of consulting firm C-Durable, Léko is launching a social networking campaign on Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok, in addition to Linkedin. The aim is to publish, on these three popular networks,...

Léko brings together 12 partner communities 500 500 admin-Leko

Léko brings together 12 partner communities

Since January 1, 2024, Léko has been under contract with 12 local authorities for the new approval period, covering 1.3 million inhabitants. To achieve this, Léko has embarked on a transparent, collaborative approach to inform and convince local authorities to contract with Léko after a 30-year relationship with the historic player. The local authority contract...

New missions announced for reuse and our prizewinners unveiled 500 500 admin-Leko

New missions announced for reuse and our prizewinners unveiled

The 2024 specifications for the household packaging and graphic paper sector set out new missions for approved eco-organizations. Reuse is now one of the main priorities, with a financial contribution to take-back/collection operations for reusable packaging returned by consumers. They must also work on the...

Superflacon 500 500 admin-Leko


SuperFlacon: returnable household cleaning SuperFlacon, a new Léko member, offers an innovative approach to household cleaning with returnable glass bottles for €1, delivered to your home by bicycle in Paris. When the bottles are empty, they are collected when refill orders are placed so that they can be washed and then reused, thus contributing to a reduction in...

What's new in 2024 - focus PPWR 500 500 admin-Leko

What's new in 2024 - focus PPWR

NEW PRODUCTS FOR 2024 New EPRs on January 1, 2024: EPR catering for waste from the café-hotel-restaurant (CHR) sector / EPR chewing gum (non-biodegradable synthetics) / EPR disposable sanitary textiles (diapers, wipes, tissues, etc.). Consumer information ( 13 AGEC - Decree April 29, 2022) : From 2024,...

Declaration of mixed food packaging (EMA) within the scope of household packaging 500 500 admin-Leko

Declaration of mixed food packaging (EMA) within the scope of household packaging

Since January 1, 2024, EPR in the catering sector has been in force, and is governed by 2 regulatory texts: the implementing decree published in March 2023 and the order of July 20, 2023 establishing its scope. What is catering packaging? This refers to the primary packaging of food products used by professionals...

Léko's approval renewed for 2024 1920 1282 admin-Leko

Léko's approval renewed for 2024

The waste management landscape is changing, with the decision to renew Léko's authorization for the merged household packaging and graphic paper sector. On December 21, the CIFREP (Commission Interprofessionnelle des Filières de Responsabilité Élargie des Producteurs) voted overwhelmingly in favor of this extension, with significant support...

Info-tri national campaign 1080 1080 admin-Leko

Info-tri national campaign

The new 2023 national info-sort communication campaign has begun! LÉKO and 20 other EPR Producer Responsability Organisation (PRO) have taken part in the development of this campaign run by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition. The aim? To make sure that everyone knows about the Info-tri information on packaging and products, so as to improve sorting habits!

Léko's latest study: Consumers ready to switch to re-use 1920 1282 admin-Leko

Léko's latest study: Consumers ready to switch to re-use

Léko has conducted a study in partnership with Circul'R and Appinio to gain a better understanding of consumers' desirability of reusing household packaging. To do this, it is important to understand market trends, as well as consumer motivations and disincentives. A panel of 1,000 French...

Let's meet at these trade fairs! 1920 1282 admin-Leko

Let's meet at these trade fairs!

POLLUTEC - October 10-13, 2023, Parc des Expositions EUREXPO, LYON Stand Léko: H4-L087 Pollutec is the world's leading trade show for environmental solutions for industry, cities and regions. The show brings together equipment, technologies and services for the prevention and treatment of all types of...

Merger of the EPR systems for graphic paper and household packaging 400 244 admin-Leko

Merger of the EPR systems for graphic paper and household packaging

According to Law no. 2023-305 of April 24, 2023, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) sector for graphic papers (PG) will merge with that for household packaging (EMBM) as of January 2024. This means that the eco-organizations holding the Household Packaging approval will also be responsible for Graphic Papers. To reflect this change, the sector's name has evolved...

Measure the recyclability of your packaging with our new Circulate tool 492 264 admin-Leko

Measure the recyclability of your packaging with our new Circulate tool

Our tool for assessing the recyclability of your packaging is now online, and can be accessed from the Léko document area reserved for members. You can use Circulate to evaluate your packaging at the design stage, as well as those you are currently marketing. If you've already tested them...

Léko signs a partnership with France Consigne 1885 1706 admin-Leko

Léko signs a partnership with France Consigne

In keeping with its strategy of working with specialists in the field, Léko is proud to announce this new partnership with France Consigne to promote and widely deploy packaging reuse throughout France. On the one hand, Léko supports the association's development, and on the other, provides financial assistance to producers wishing to...

L'unik Opack and Clarence Bordeaux, 2 winners of our Call for Reuse Projects 2000 1429 admin-Leko

L'unik Opack and Clarence Bordeaux, 2 winners of our Call for Reuse Projects

The unik Opack: Reusable, Economical and Ecological packaging The unik Opack not only won the gold medal at the Lépine 2023 competition, it was also one of the winners of Léko's Call for Reuse Projects this summer. Designed to be reused over 100 times, its main advantages lie in its capacity to...

AuthoriseMe: A new service from consulting firm RecycleMe 1600 644 admin-Leko

AuthoriseMe: A new service from consulting firm RecycleMe

AuthoriseMe, the new service from Léko's partner RecycleMe, offers support in matters of territorial representation within the framework of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Several EU countries, such as Spain and Austria, have introduced new legislation requiring companies selling their products abroad that do not have an EPR network to...

Léko, partner of the Annual Packaging Conference 2560 1269 admin-Leko

Léko, partner of the Annual Packaging Conference

This day of Conferences is organized every year by Emballages Magazines and hosted by Henri Saporta, Editor-in-Chief of Emballages Magazines. As a partner of the event, Léko organized the round table: "The eco-organization at the service of the packaging circular economy", with speakers including a representative panel of packaging stakeholders...

Procircular, a new Producer Responsability Organisation (PRO) in Spain: The Raan Group expands! 600 400 admin

Procircular, a new Producer Responsability Organisation (PRO) in Spain: The Raan Group expands!

After Germany, Canada, Austria, Slovakia, France and Finland, the Raan Group and its subsidiary Reclay - the driving force behind the creation of Léko in France - is expanding into Spain with the creation of a new eco-organization for packaging: Procircular! Procircular is a collective system of extended producer responsibility:...

Léko introduces you to La Fresque du Plastique! 648 487 admin

Léko introduces you to La Fresque du Plastique!

Led by experts (Philippe , Manon, Eva ) La Fresque du Plastique is a collaborative, scientific workshop that helps participants understand the issues surrounding plastics and take action! The workshop uses the same pedagogical style as the Fresque du Climat, inviting participants to take a look at the entire life cycle of plastics...

Doing good with good is the challenge of Oé, a committed company and member of Léko. 600 400 admin

Doing good with good is the challenge of Oé, a committed company and member of Léko.

Oé was founded in late 2015 by Thomas Lemasle, an Arts et Métiers engineer, and François-Xavier Henry, a polytechnicien. The brand now distributes over 200,000 bottles, mainly in France to independent wine merchants, caterers, restaurants, and major brands such as Carrefour, Naturalia, le Pain Quotidien, the Mama Shelter hotel chain and Club...

The winners of the second committee are announced! 500 381 admin

The winners of the second committee are announced!

Last October, Léko, in collaboration with Ulule, launched its first Call for Projects "Packaging, towards a responsible approach" to take up the challenge of reducing, reusing and recycling household packaging. The campaign runs until June 2023. The aim is to promote best practices and support...

Draft regulation in the European Union 505 626 admin

Draft regulation in the European Union

The packaging sector is about to undergo a Europe-wide overhaul. As part of the Green Pact for Europe initiated in 2019, the European Commission presented a draft Packaging Regulation on December 1, 2022, repealing the old Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste. Certain obligations already exist in France...

Renewed confidence in Léko 600 371 admin

Renewed confidence in Léko

On February 9, 2023, the EPR inter-sector commission (CiFREP), made up of representatives of marketers, local and regional authorities, consumer and environmental protection organizations, organizations representing the social economy, waste operators and public authorities, voted by a large majority (74%) in favor of...

RecycleMe is the official certification body for the RecyClass standard 800 594 admin

RecycleMe is the official certification body for the RecyClass standard

RecycleMe, the international consulting firm that belongs to the RAAN group, which created Léko, has been selected by the interprofessional organization RecyClass to certify the recyclability of plastic packaging according to defined criteria. RecycleMe thus plays the role of an official external and international certification body. As an interprofessional platform and with the aim of...

Juliette: A marine universe! 700 700 admin

Juliette: A marine universe!

For Juliette, a Léko member, our homes are a mine of opportunities to improve our health and preserve the environment. Juliette's goal is to do good! Juliette has developed a colorful and fun line of hygiene products, baby products and household products that are fun and refillable. Their story has been...

Prepare yourself with Léko for the regulatory changes of 2023! 505 626 admin

Prepare yourself with Léko for the regulatory changes of 2023!

Here is a compilation of regulations that come into force at the beginning of the year: The beginning of the regulation on the proportion of reusable packaging to be put on the market (Decree No. 2022-507), From 2023, producers with a turnover of more than 50 million euros in France will have to put on the market at least...

The first winners of our call for projects "Packaging, towards a responsible approach" are revealed! 500 381 admin

The first winners of our call for projects "Packaging, towards a responsible approach" are revealed!

To meet the challenge of reducing, reusing and recycling household packaging, Léko and the crowdfunding platform Ulule launched the call for projects "Packaging, towards a responsible approach" on October 3, 2022. The aim is to bring out the best practices and help the entire sector to develop new models....

MyLéko : A new space for members 800 594 admin

MyLéko : A new space for members

With 60,000 members, the creation of a new dedicated space called MyLéko was an obvious choice. It will be available for the 2022 declaration period, which will be online and will start in January 2023, in order to simplify the declaration process and the availability of documents. Each member will receive his identifiers...

The Reclay group, rewarded in Germany 800 594 admin

The Reclay group, rewarded in Germany

In a study conducted by the German Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF), Deutschland Test and Focus, Reclay was awarded in the category "Germany's Best - Sustainability". In the questionnaire, online news portals and social networks were evaluated on previously defined search terms. The survey examined which companies...

The solar sprays of Biarritz laboratories 646 431 admin

The solar sprays of Biarritz laboratories

Biarritz Laboratories, which has joined Léko, was founded in 2010 by Muriel and Jean-Marc Dubois, a visionary couple with a passion for surfing and nature. The couple's first launch was a range of sun care products that respect the skin and the ocean, inspired by a red algae found on the coast...

New environmental decree 675 690 admin

New environmental decree

New decree: Informing the consumer on the environmental characteristics of waste generating products. New decree: Informing the consumer on the environmental characteristics of waste generating products. The Decree1, published on April 29, 2022, specifies the application of the good information of the consumers, by the producers and importers, on the qualities and characteristics...

The Consignee, a priority for our members and our new partners 900 573 admin

The Consignee, a priority for our members and our new partners

The Consignor, a priority for our Oé and Club-Mate members and a commitment from new partners like La Tournée! The deposit, a priority for our Oé and Club-Mate members and a commitment from new partners like La Tournée! The objective of the deposit is simple: to reuse packaging rather than throw it away. Whether it is accompanied by an additional amount to be paid when purchasing a product...

We are celebrating our 50,000 members and our new baseline! 600 397 admin

We are celebrating our 50,000 members and our new baseline!

One hundred in 2020, 800 in 2021 and today 50,000 companies have joined Léko since January 1, 2022! This progression, made possible by the major brands that now trust Léko, has also been boosted by online sales sites known as marketplaces...

Repack: zero-waste parcels 752 663 admin

Repack: zero-waste parcels

As both a partner and a member of Léko, RePack makes packaging waste disappear from e-commerce. RePack offers a reusable parcel service for e-tailers committed to the transition to more responsible commerce. It's a revolutionary solution for online stores looking to reduce their environmental impact while improving their bottom line.

Léa Nature: chewable toothpaste 1000 1000 admin

Léa Nature: chewable toothpaste

Always on the lookout for more innovative solutions to reduce its impact on the environment, Léa Nature, a militant member and early partner of Léko, has come up with a new toothpaste that is, to say the least, original: it's chewable! One tablet = one use: this is the new toothbrushing experience to adopt...

Prevention: new obligations on re-use and planning 700 700 admin

Prevention: new obligations on re-use and planning

5% reused packaging by 2023 and 10% by 2027! The new Decree of April 8, 2022 defines the minimum proportion of reused packaging to be put on the market annually in France, provides a definition of reused packaging, and specifies the producers concerned. The minimum proportions are applicable from January 1st...

New sorting signs for household packaging: information and deadlines 560 420 admin

New sorting signs for household packaging: information and deadlines

Since the end of 2021, producers and brands of household products have been invited to change the sorting instructions on their packaging. Indeed, the "throw away" instructions are no longer appropriate in most of France. From now on, ALL household packaging must be sorted, either in...

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