Measure the recyclability of your packaging with our new Circulate tool

Measure the recyclability of your packaging with our new Circulate tool

Measure the recyclability of your packaging with our new Circulate tool 492 264 admin-Leko

Our tool for assessing the recyclability of your packaging is now online, and can be accessed from the Léko documentation area reserved for members.

You can use Circulate to evaluate your packaging at the design stage, as well as those you are currently marketing. If you have already tested them with another tool, Circulate will confirm or clarify the recyclability claims made for them. The evaluation is based on the information provided, and assesses the recyclability of each packaging by assigning a grade from A+++ (fully recyclable) to C (not recyclable).

Circulate assesses the recyclability of packaging in France, Germany and Austria, with other countries soon to follow; the tool is available in several languages.

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