Léko, partner of the Annual Packaging Conference

Léko, partner of the Annual Packaging Conference

Léko, partner of the Annual Packaging Conference 2560 1269 admin-Leko

This one-day conference is organized every year by Emballages Magazines and hosted by Henri Saporta, the magazine's Editor-in-Chief.

As a partner of the event, Léko organized the round table: "The eco-organization at the service of the packaging circular economy", with speakers from a representative panel of stakeholders in the household packaging value chain.

Thanks to Christophe Viant (Federec Plastique) , Bertrand Bohain (Cercle Nationale du Recyclage), Philippe Reutenauer (Expert Emballage), Celia Rennesson (Founder of Réseau Vrac) and Nicolas Pont (Léko) for sharing their expertise and opinions on the role and support of an eco-organization with all the players in the sector.

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