Léko introduces you to La Fresque du Plastique!

Léko introduces you to La Fresque du Plastique!

Léko introduces you to La Fresque du Plastique! 648 487 admin

Led by experts (Philippe , Manon, Eva ) La Fresque du Plastique is a collaborative, scientific workshop that helps you understand the issues surrounding plastics and take action!

The workshop uses the pedagogical style of the Climate Fresco to invite participants to take a look at the entire life cycle of plastics. It is based on both scientific research and industrial realities.

La Fresque du Plastique is a space for the debate of ideas, with the aim of creating and deploying solutions. 5 sections are covered: the production of plastics and their place in our societies, from end-of-use to end-of-life, plastics recycling, environmental impact and solutions.

If you would like to take part in a future session, either with your company or your friends and family, please contact us at: contact@leko-organisme.fr

Read all about it in the Léko News newsletter

Léko News n°4

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