
Léko launches its Call for Reuse Projects 2024

Léko launches its Call for Reuse Projects 2024 2000 1429 admin-Leko

Léko launches its call for "Reuse" projects to contribute to national targets for the reuse of household packaging. The re-use fund, representing 5% of the ecocontributions collected, is intended to...

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Léko launches on social networks!

Léko launches on social networks! 500 500 admin-Leko

Léko is stepping up its mission to raise public awareness of the importance of sorting, reducing and reusing packaging. With the support of consulting firm C-Durable, Léko...

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New missions announced for reuse and our prizewinners unveiled

New missions announced for reuse and our prizewinners unveiled 500 500 admin-Leko

New missions announced in the 2024 specifications for the household packaging and graphic paper sector are incumbent on approved eco-organizations. Reuse is now one of the priorities...

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Superflacon 500 500 admin-Leko

SuperFlacon: returnable home care SuperFlacon, a new Léko member, offers an innovative approach to home care with €1 returnable glass bottles, delivered to your home by bicycle...

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Léko signs a partnership with France Consigne

Léko signs a partnership with France Consigne 1885 1706 admin-Leko

In keeping with its strategy of working with specialists in their field, Léko is proud to announce this new partnership with France Consigne to promote and widely deploy...

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L'unik Opack and Clarence Bordeaux, 2 winners of our Call for Reuse Projects

L'unik Opack and Clarence Bordeaux, 2 winners of our Call for Reuse Projects 2000 1429 admin-Leko

L'unik Opack: Reusable, Economical and Ecological packaging L'unik Opack not only won the gold medal at the Lépine 2023 competition, it was also one of the winners of the...

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AuthoriseMe: A new service from consulting firm RecycleMe

AuthoriseMe: A new service from consulting firm RecycleMe 1600 644 admin-Leko

AuthoriseMe, the new service from Léko's partner RecycleMe, offers support in matters of territorial representation within the framework of Extended Producer Responsibility...

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